
Effective Methods for Checking CPU Usage and Performance

The central processing unit (CPU) acts as the brain of your computer, handling all the calculations and instructions that keep things running smoothly. Just like the human body, a computer can experience sluggishness or crashes when the CPU is overworked. Monitoring CPU usage and performance is crucial for maintaining optimal system health and identifying potential bottlenecks. This article explores four effective methods for checking CPU usage and performance, providing insights for both novice and experienced users.

Part 1: Built-in Tools


Task Manager (Windows):

This readily available tool offers a quick and easy way to check CPU usage. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to launch it and navigate to the “Performance” tab. Here, you’ll see a real-time graph displaying overall CPU utilization as a percentage. Additionally, you can right-click on the graph and choose “Change graph to > Logical processors” to analyze individual core usage, providing a deeper understanding of workload distribution.

Activity Monitor (macOS):

MacOS includes a built-in utility known as Activity Monitor, which bears similarities to Task Manager in Windows. This tool can be easily accessed through Spotlight search or by navigating to Applications > Utilities. The “CPU” tab within Activity Monitor provides a comprehensive overview of the overall CPU usage, presenting a breakdown of usage by specific processes. This feature enables users to pinpoint the applications or processes that are consuming a significant portion of the CPU resources. By analyzing the data presented in the “CPU” tab, users can effectively identify and manage resource-intensive tasks, which may be impacting the overall system performance. Additionally, Activity Monitor offers detailed information about memory, disk activity, and more, providing a comprehensive view of the system’s performance and resource utilization. Leveraging this built-in utility allows MacOS users to efficiently monitor and manage CPU usage, ensuring optimal system performance.

Part 2: Third-Party Monitoring Software


Core Temp (Windows):

For users seeking more detailed information beyond basic usage, third-party monitoring software offers a wealth of options. Core Temp focuses specifically on CPU temperature monitoring. While CPU usage isn’t its primary function, it often displays this data alongside temperature readings. This combined view can be helpful for diagnosing thermal throttling, a situation where the CPU reduces performance to prevent overheating.

HWiNFO (Windows/macOS):

HWiNFO is a robust and comprehensive system monitoring tool that offers detailed insights into various hardware components and system parameters. It provides in-depth information about CPU usage, clock speeds, voltages, and temperatures, making it an invaluable resource for power users and overclockers who are seeking to fine-tune and optimize their systems for optimal performance. By offering a detailed overview of hardware details, HWiNFO empowers users with the information they need to assess the performance and stability of their systems, identify potential areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about overclocking or tweaking system settings. This level of detailed hardware monitoring is especially valuable for enthusiasts and advanced users who are keen on maximizing their system’s performance, ensuring proper cooling, and maintaining hardware within optimal operating parameters. With its comprehensive and detailed system monitoring capabilities, HWiNFO is a valuable tool for system optimization, performance tuning, and hardware diagnostics.


Part 3: Performance Benchmarks

Cinebench (Windows/macOS):

Performance benchmarks play a crucial role in providing a standardized method for evaluating and measuring CPU performance. Cinebench, a widely used benchmarking tool, is renowned for its ability to render a complex 3D scene and generate a score based on the rendering time. The higher the score, the better the CPU performance. By utilizing Cinebench, users can objectively assess the performance of their CPUs and make informed decisions about hardware upgrades or software optimizations.

Running Cinebench before and after making changes to hardware or software allows for a quantifiable comparison of performance improvements or regressions, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of the changes made. This enables users to gauge the impact of modifications and adjustments on the overall system performance, identifying whether the changes have resulted in tangible improvements or regressions in CPU performance. Therefore, leveraging performance benchmarks such as Cinebench enables users to make data-driven decisions regarding system upgrades and optimizations, contributing to enhanced performance and user experience.

Geekbench (Windows/macOS/Android/iOS):

Geekbench is a comprehensive benchmarking tool that provides a broader suite of benchmark tests, not limited to only CPU performance but also encompassing memory performance. This expanded assessment capability proves helpful in identifying potential bottlenecks in different system components, offering a more holistic view of a system’s overall performance. With Geekbench, users can conduct detailed evaluations of various aspects of their system’s performance, enabling them to gain deeper insights into how different components, such as the CPU and memory, contribute to overall system performance. Furthermore, similar to Cinebench, Geekbench allows for performance comparisons over time or across different devices, making it a valuable tool for assessing system upgrades, identifying performance improvements, and gauging the effectiveness of any optimizations made to the system. By leveraging the comprehensive benchmarking capabilities of Geekbench, users can make informed decisions regarding system upgrades, component optimizations, and overall system performance enhancements.

Part 4: Advanced Monitoring Techniques

Performance Monitor (Windows):

For advanced users seeking in-depth monitoring and analysis, Performance Monitor (PerfMon) serves as a powerful and versatile tool. Unlike basic CPU usage monitors, PerfMon enables users to create custom counters that track specific CPU metrics, offering a level of detail and flexibility that exceeds standard monitoring tools. With this capability, users can tailor their monitoring to focus on specific performance indicators that are crucial for their system or application. Although PerfMon may present a steep learning curve due to its complexity, the tool’s unmatched flexibility makes it highly advantageous for troubleshooting and diagnosing complex performance issues.

By leveraging PerfMon, advanced users can delve into granular details of CPU performance, closely monitoring various performance counters, identifying bottlenecks, and gaining valuable insights that are essential for maintaining optimal system performance and addressing intricate performance challenges. Overall, PerfMon stands out as an invaluable tool for advanced users involved in detailed performance analysis and troubleshooting.

System Monitoring Tools (Linux):

Linux users have a wide range of command-line tools for monitoring CPU performance. Tools like top and htop provide a real-time view of CPU usage by process, similar to Task Manager on Windows. Additionally, tools like sar and vmstat offer historical data on CPU utilization, allowing for trend analysis and identification of performance fluctuations.

By utilizing these methods, you can gain valuable insights into your CPU’s health and performance. Whether you’re a casual user or a power user, having the right tools at your disposal empowers you to maintain a smooth-running and efficient computing experience.